Safe Guarding

Designated senior person for safe guarding children: Mrs Jaffar

Deputy senior person for safe guarding children: Mrs Sheikh

Nominated governor responsible for child protection: Mrs Jaffar


Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

- Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
- Preventing harm to children’s mental or physical health or development
- Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.

Child protection?

Child protection is part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. it refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.

Safe guarding and child protection policy

please click to read our safe guarding and child protection policy (link)🡪 pdf 

Mandatory reporting of fgm- procedural information

From 31 october 2015 it is mandatory for teachers, health and social workers to report to the police if they find, or are told, someone under 18 has undergone fgm.

Please click here (home office pdf of fgm) to obtain more information on the correct procedure to follow

In addition to circle time, we offer a wide range of other activities and experiences that are designed to engage and challenge children.

These may include:

Outdoor play

Our outdoor play area provides opportunities for children to develop their physical skills, explore nature, and play with others.

Art and craft

We offer a range of art and craft activities that encourage children to express their creativity and develop their fine motor skills.

Music and movement

Our nursery rhyme sessions encourage children to develop their coordination, rhythm, and listening skills.

Sensory play

We provide a range of sensory experiences, such as messy play and water play, that stimulate children's senses and promote their cognitive development.


Our role-play area allows children to explore different scenarios and develop their imagination and social skills.

Book your visit

Whether you're a parent seeking the perfect place for your child's early development or an interested individual eager to see our nurturing approach in action, booking a visit is the first step towards discovering the enriching experiences we offer.

Book now